Friday, March 20, 2009

Look, up in the Pie!

Ahhh the Whoopie pie. Recent interest in the mysterious new england confection has risen and no doubt will lead to new marketing ventures for Maine's proud dessert. Already produced on a larger scale for the countertops of well lit chains of convenience stores that inhabit Maine's roads. It is really the singular small stores with deliberately misspelled names like "Kwik Stop" or simply named for its town location where you may find, unlabeled and wrapped in cellophane, a basket of whoopie pies next to the megabucks machine at the register. Made by the owners sister in-law or the cooks grandmother who lives down the road or maybe right there in the store, no two are likely to be the same. This is not a light snack. Small whoopie pies are tolerated and even welcomed at a potluck, but the original offender is BIG. Makes your eyes get big. Makes small children look disproportionate when they try to eat them.
- Excerpted from the forthcoming travel guide and culinary inquiry: "Maine Course: driving around looking for Whoopie"
these pics are for Cullen's birthday mega whoopie pie I made

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Take the boot escalator to the top!

It really was a hike-a-thon Janufeb. Cullen on the top at the full moon. out with Brendan sunning and sledding and a toast!
ahh the woods and the snow. This spot atop the field was super fun. Great sunlight lots of great wide powder turns above Blue hill bay. Brendan was the fastest on the red rocket sled. whoosh couldn't even catch em on camera


Here's all the big snow we got on the coast. mid-coast is what they call it on the whether report. tell you what it was a sweet ride, even if it was fleeting. beach time is coming soon. you can almost see my yard in that one pic. the guy in on the board is dan, he and I were the only two out that day. having someone to hike with and spot always makes me wanna go farther and a little steeper than I might alone. Fun trees off the summit down to the Osgood trail.

Look out my front door....

nice sunset up here... next stop spring. Really enjoyed the so called back country skiing Maine has to offer. actually I rode my snowboard. and the hike is right off the dirt parking lot next to the paved road called "mountain road". but I can see my apt. from the top and a lot more than that. MDI in one direction and Camden in the other if the air is clear. the local voluntter radio station WERU broadcasts from up here, and its trust land so no motor traffic.

Ride for free! Or Green Skiing

wee the sno comes late on blue hill. lots of good sno in jan and feb. but now its march and its already beginning to melt away. but Awanadjo was lots of fun. good hiking and even some rock drops and chutes. been up to saddleback as well but there aint nothin like riding with a view of the ocean and no gapers!


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